Restorative Dentistry Campbell

Rebuilding Your Smile and Improving Your Livelihood

Man and woman with coffee mugs sitting on couch

Every tooth in your mouth has an important purpose, so if just one becomes damaged, decayed, or otherwise compromised, you’ll begin encountering all kinds of issues. That’s why we’re proud to offer numerous types of custom-made, natural-looking solutions for repairing smiles and ensuring they aren’t just whole, but beautiful and functional as well. To learn more about our restorative dentistry services in Campbell or to schedule an appointment, please contact us for assistance; we’re ready to revitalize your smile!

Why Choose Mockler Dental for Restorative Dentistry?

  • Hometown Dentist with Years of Experience
  • Numerous High-Quality Solutions to Choose From
  • Modern Office with Advanced Dental Technology

Dental Crowns

Illustration of teeth with dental crowns and other forms of restorative dentistry in Campbell

Dental crowns are a uniquely versatile dental restoration, capable of assisting teeth in numerous ways. They can act as a protective cap for a severely damaged or decayed tooth after it’s been treated – such as following a root canal. They can also replace a whole missing tooth in some scenarios. Of course, they’re just as beautiful as they are functional. The crowns we offer here at our Campbell office are made from durable, natural-looking materials including EMAX, zirconia, and porcelain.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Illustration of a tooth with a tooth-colored filling

Cavities are a nuisance for many reasons, including having the potential to cause tooth loss – and that alone makes them worth filling promptly. In the past, this was done using metal materials that stood out very obviously from natural teeth, as well as being subject to temperature sensitivity. These days, tooth-colored fillings have become the new standard for treating cavities; not only are they just as durable as their traditional counterparts, but they come with additional benefits such as blending in seamlessly with your natural teeth!